If I focus on getting a religion in the early game, I wind up demolished by Barbarians and way behind other civs in territory. But every time, I wind up so far behind other civs I have to give up by Renaissance era. So, I've been trying for about a week to get a Religious victory. The Founder Belief naturally effects the founder of the religion, along with another Belief from either the Enhancer, Follower, or Worship categories Tips on achieving Religious victory in Civ 6. In the world of Civilization 6, every new religion starts with Founder Belief. This victory requires mastering diplomatic relationships in order to convert civilizationsīeliefs and Wonder play a great role when it comes to winning Religious Victory in Civilization 6. The Religious victory is a victory condition new to Civilization VI and replaces the old Diplomatic victory from Civilization V. Winning a religious victory in Civilization 6 can be a real challenge, and picking which units, beliefs and wonders to focus on is essential. A Religion is the predominant one for a civ when it is followed by more. Find and Compare Products from Leading Brands and Retailers at Product Shoppe To achieve a Religious Victory, your Religion must be the 'predominant' religion in every other civilization in the game. Finde Civ Compare Prices before Shopping Online. Folge Deiner Leidenschaft bei eBay! Über 80% neue Produkte zum Festpreis Das ist das neue eBay. Home Civ 6 religious victory Große Auswahl an Civ - 168 Millionen Aktive Käufe