However, bags may be freely unworn if are empty or replaced by another large enough to hold any remaining contents. Similar to equippable gear, most bags become untradable once worn in a bag slot (character or bank) and large bags from unique sources tend to bind on pickup. In addition to four bags worn on a chartacter (and always accessible), characters may also purchase up to seven bag slots to expand bank capacity (limited accessability). Doing so provides added inventory slots based on the size of the bag.Īlthough bags are tradable and might sit unequipped within inventory, they are empty in this state and therefore do not contribute to inventory management until equipped.

Players equip bags by placing them in the bag slots at the right-most end of the interface bar adjacent to the backpack, a special bag that is neither movable nor replacable. This disparity was greatest in World of Warcraft: Classic, but has narrowed in recent expansions as larger normal bags become available. ), but carry a larger quantity than normal bags of comparable cost. Special bags only hold specific types of items, usually related to a profession (e.g. Most normal bags can hold any sort of item, but differ in quantity of inventory slots. As the game has evolved, newer expansions have introduced larger bags to ease this burden.

Using more and larger bags to increase available inventory space furthers character development by providing the convenience to pick up more loot or carry more quest items. Inventory space (or slots) is a limited resource so inventory management forms an important aspect of gameplay. Players also frequently say bags when referring to their entire inventory space including the actual bags and base 16-slot backpack together. Bags are containers to increase inventory carrying capacity for holding other items.